Architectural design


Autodesk Releases AutoCAD Shortcut Key Guide to Help Designers ...

This is the list of some of the most basic AutoCAD commands which every AutoCAD user should know. These are some of the Draw and Modify commands which make the very basics of AutoCAD and if you are just starting to learn autocad then you should know all of these basic commands.

AUDITCheck and remove errors from your work
CLOSEALLClose all of the open windows in AutoCAD
CLOSEALLOTHERClose all open windows except for the one you are currently working on
CO/ COPYCopy objects or text
DI/ DISTANCEFind the distance between two point in a drawing  
I/ INSERTInsert (existing block or drawing as a block)
LISTAccess the properties of the different objects within a drawing
MATLIBImport or export materials from a library
MULTIPLERepeat any command without having to press Enter each time (Press Esc key to cancel)
OOPSRestore the last object you deleted
OP/ OPTIONSOpen the options window (contains the settings for AutoCAD)
PASTECLIPPaste copied objects from clipboard into your work
PREVIEWSee how your work will be presented when printed
QSAVEAutosave the file you’re working on
RECOVERALLRecover and repair a corrupted or damaged drawing
RO/ ROTATERotate an object
SAVEALLSave all of the open drawings in AutoCAD
SP/ SPELLPerform spell check on selected text
ST/ DDSTYLEOpen the text style window
TIMEAccess information such as the date you created a certain piece of work, or time spent editing a drawing


This software is specifically designed with technical drawing in mind, so you’ll find a wide range of geometric shapes and sketching capabilities at your disposal when working in AutoCAD. To save yourself the time of scrolling through the library every time you need a particular line or solid, learn some of these commands:
A/ ARCCreate an arc
AREAFind the area of closed or open shapes in a drawing
AR/ ARRAYMake a rectangle, polar or path array
B/ BLOCKCreate a block
BCOUNTCount the number of blocks in your drawing
C/ CIRCLECreate a circle
DS/ DDOSNAPOpen the Drafting Settings window
GROUPGroup multiple objects into a single unit
HIDEOBJECTSHide selected objects in a drawing
HIGHLIGHTHighlight a selected object in a drawing
ISOLATEHide all objects in a drawing except the one you have selected
L/ LINECreate a simple line
MI/ MIRRORProduce a mirror copy of an object
MLINECreate multiple parallel lines
PL/ PLINEMake a polyline
PO/ POINTCreate a single point within a drawing
POL/ POLYGONProduce a polygon (you select the number of sides, from 3 to 1024)
QSELECTMake a particular selection from your drawing according to applied filters, i.e – select all lines below a particular length
REC/ RECTANGLECreate a rectangle
SKETCHDraw a freehand sketch within a piece of work


Your first draft is complete—now it’s time to play around with the properties and tweak your designs where necessary. For this stage, the following commands are sure to come in handy:
BASEAlter the base point of a drawing without changing its origin
BREAKCreate a break (or gaps) in objects at one or two points
BURSTExplode a block but retain its attribute settings and layer definition
CHA/ CHAMFERAdd slanted edges to sharp corners of objects
COPYBASECopy an object according to a base point
DIVIDEDivide objects into multiple equal parts
F/ FILLETAdd rounded corners to the sharp edges of objects
LA/ LAYERSOpen the Layer Properties Manage Palette (which allows you to tweak the settings for layers)
MA/ MATCHPROPERTIESCopy the properties of one object onto another
MOCOROMove, copy, rotate and scale an object in one command
OVERKILLRemove overlapping or unnecessary objects from your work
PURGERemove unused objects from a drawing
SC/ SCALEChange the scale of an object
SCALETEXTChange the scale of text
TEXTFITAlter the size of a piece of text so that it fits into the required space
TEXTTOFRONTBring annotations to the front
TORIENTChange the orientation of text
TR/ TRIMTrim a shape or line
UNITSAlter the unit settings of your drawing
X/ EXPLODEBreak up an object into its individual components—i.e., a polyline into simple lines


Fear not—the commands are not exclusive to 2D work! If you’re taking your AutoCAD project to another dimension, there are plenty of commands that can speed up the process. Here’s a brief taster:
3DALIGNAlign a 3D object with another 3D solid
BOXCreate a 3D box
FLATSHOTConvert a 3D drawing into a 2D image and view it from multiple angles
HELIXCreate a helix
IMPRINTImprint a 2D drawing onto the face of a 3D surface within your work
INTERFERELocate points in a drawing where 3D solids intersect with one another 
POLYSOLIDCreate a 3D wall-like object
SECTIONPLANESection 3D objects along different planes 
SURFPATCHFill open areas of a surface
SURFTRIMTrim surfaces within a piece of work

AutoCAD commands: final thoughts

There you have it—an introduction to some of the most useful AutoCAD commands. They really can transform your experience of working with this software and improve overall productivity significantly. Plus, if you reach the level where you’re able to customize the quick access toolbar, you’ll end up with a program tailored to your particular style of work. Mastering the commands is therefore one of the best ways to get the most out of your investment in AutoCAD.
While our list is fairly comprehensive, should you wish to find more, Autodesk include a full guide to shortcuts on their website.

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